Certification and Environment

Forimp Skog AB is certified through membership in the PanCert AB producer group certificate CoC (Chain of Custody)

• PanCert AB PanCert - Certification throughout the country

The certificates can be seen here, where certificate codes are shown.
• Group certificate PEFC CoC, link. PEFC Certificate
• Group certificate FSC CoC, link.  FSC Certificate

You can find information about the company in the certification database.
• PEFC database, link. Search certified companies - Swedish PEFC
• FSC database, link. FSC Public Certificate Search | FSC Connect

In the case of criticism of our Chain of Custody, please contact us at the company.
• Complaints about how Chain of custody is enforced, link. Complaints - PanCert

Environmental Policy

Forimp Skog AB must, as a consumer of forest raw materials, work to ensure that the business is conducted in as gentle a manner as possible for the environment and for the employees.

We must comply with current legislation and follow PEFC (License code: PEFC/05-32-7/V548) and FSC® (License code: FSC-C089427) requirements and intentions, and as far as possible make sure that the raw material does not come from illegal or unauthorized harvesting by the authorities, forest areas where traditional or civil rights are violated, forests where high conservation values are threatened, genetically engineered trees or natural forest that has been felled for the purpose of using the area for plantations or non-forest land use.

Comply with the ILO's core conventions regarding:
• Child labour
• Forced labour
• Discrimination in the workplace
• Join the union, and collective agreement

The business must be conducted and improved in such a way that the possible negative impact on the environment is reduced.

The raw material must, to the greatest possible extent, come from environmentally friendly certified forestry. Forimp Skog AB must work to increase this volume.

We must responsibly fulfill our commitments to employees, society, the environment and contractors.

The staff must be trained and informed so that they can fulfill the above requirements and intentions.


Kontoret är bemannat måndagar och tisdagar 8:00-16:30. Övriga tider efter överenskommelse.